Friday 2 October 2009


The redcurrant bushes are flowering madly again. If all those flowers turn into fruit, we'll have another glut this year.

I am definitely NOT going to make any jelly or jam with them this year. There are still a few jars of that in the pantry. Might experiment with making wine out of them. Any other ideas? Oh, and if you do happen to like redcurrants, let us know. You can come and pick some.


Kelly said...

yes, well of course Im gonna put my hand up, both of them. And wine is a great idea!

Kat Wolfdancer said...

YOU'VE been TAGGED! Let the gnomes know. Unless they are too busy playing in the currants.

I double dare ya!!

and then, Happy Gardening!


Robyn Sinclair said...

I still remember when your brought some to us in Sydney and I got to make my first red currant jelly. We planted a bush here in Tuscany and I can't tell you how disappointed I was this year when it turned out to be white currants. So we are going to have another go.