Tuesday 25 August 2009

Lemon Pickle & Honey Wine

The honey wine has been bubbling happily for 25 days and today it seemed to have stopped. As it's still miserable out there and I felt like doing something 'homey', I bottled the honey wine.
After some sampling, of course. Hmm...not sure yet. It's a bit too sweet for our taste. It has a lovely honey taste, slightly effervescent on the tongue, but too sweet. We'll see what it tastes like when it is a bit older.We have another honey wine on the go with the addition of ground coffee and banana. Will report back when it is ready to be sampled.

At the seedsavers' gathering some generous folks brought their surplus citrus crop along. So we came home with some amazing lemons. Maggie mentioned she'd try her hand in lemon pickle which goes well with curry. Aha! I thought, and did a little search. Thanks for the idea, Maggie.

I followed the recipe on this blog.
6 lemons cut up.

Spices added.

Enjoying the view.
It is actually supposed to be sun-cooking. So, I am hoping the sun will shine again soon and start cooking the pickle. It smells delicious and I am eagerly awaiting the time when it is ready to be enjoyed.


Katy said...

That all looks great! I thought spring was on it's way but with the down pour & wind we are getting I think I'll be staying in to do a few homey things myself!

Pip said...

Ground coffee and banana!!!! you certainly know how to combine flavours, will be interesting to see what that tastes like. The lemon pickle must be similar to the lime pickle that you can get to have with curries, a good way to use up surplus citrus.