Tuesday 17 November 2009


The gnomes have been busy. We coped with the heatwave fairly well, so did the livestock and the garden. Just.
We got up earlier than usual to do at least a few chores before the heat hit. So at 7am we were busy brushcutting, weeding, watering, etc.
Yesterday and today were pleasant days, but the forecast is for 2 more days of extreme heat (41C) before the cool change comes in. Supposedly also bringing a shower or two. *fingers crossed* I have big plans for Friday when it is supposed to be cooler (29C). And the days after...

[slight change of topic]

This succulent is flowering beautifully. The neighbour gnome gave me this one. You can eat the fruit, that's why I was interested. Can't remember the name.
The grapes are coming on nicely. We 'only' have table grapes. Maybe one day we'll put in some for wine making? (Just what we need - more projects!)This leaf is looking lovely. It is one of the few still left intact.
As these guys have popped up again and seem to enjoy the banquet.

1 comment:

Olive said...

Common name Cactus Orchid....real name Epiphylum. First one is easiest to pronounce !!!
The true edible one that produces the tropical dragon fruit is a white flowering variety called Lady of the Night, so called because it blossoms at night.