How crazy is that?! The youngest is now 8 1/2 years old. The oldest 12. Try reading up on sheep diseases! None of the books cover geriatric sheep.
The above breakfast was, however, a once off. Just to boost their immune system, etc.
At least I hope so. I really do. Try telling them that there is a container each and not to worry, there is enough for everyone, there really is, and do stay with your own container...
wow, attempting to organise sheep? impressive stuff! they look lovingly cared for Ms Gnome...Lucky sheep!
I like your use of 'impressive'. Less kind people would say 'crazy'! Thank you! :)
Hilarious! I love your sheep!!I give the girls a similar winter mix and there is no way you could do something this orderly. I can see it now - you'd put one container down and they'd all rush it (repeat seven times). Funny animals. I had no idea when we got them how long they might live but I like the idea of caring for them in their dotage :)
Jacqui, the oldest sheep we had was about 13! He literally dropped dead. (He had a heart attack.) Unfortunately, that was at the height of summer and the ground was rock hard. Digging his grave took hours in the heat. Oh, won't go into the details....
We have an 8-year old rooster. He's getting a bit slow, but still manages to pretend he is 'servicing' the girls, as soon as he sees us in the vicinity. He is best mates with our retired old chooks. The young ones just ignore him and they do what they like.
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