Raw milk, that is.
You know what? I grew up with/on raw milk. Drank it until we moved to town, away from our farming neighbours with ready access to fresh, raw milk. When I had my first sip of shop bought milk I hated the taste so much, I stopped drinking milk there and then.
Three decades later I tasted real milk again. Fresh from the cow. Unadulterated. I like it.
So, now we are drinking milk that is illegal. It's full of good stuff, not messed with, healthy, free of antibiotics, pesticides, etc. No middleman was able to earn anything on it. It's direct from the farmer. The cows are grazing out on the lush, green paddock. They look healthy and happy. Nothing mass-produced. All this can only be good for you, the cows, the farmer, the environment. That's why it's illegal. The big corporations are not earning any money. Not from pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers, not from messing with the milk. Oh, and I forgot! It's in GLASS bottles! I love it. No wasted packaging. Rinse, return, reuse.
For good measure we got a tub of cream, too. We happened to have some apple cake at home. Perfect with cream.

We might have to go underground. Join the underground food movement. :) I am sure we will not be alone there.