Wednesday 29 August 2012

Time for a treat!

The beetroot patch is starting to get slightly feral. Time to thin it out and use the beetroot. So..what to do with the beetroot? What's your favourite recipe? I have quite a few up my sleeves, and shall try them all in the next few weeks. But I am always happy for new ideas.

One of our favourites - Beetroot & Chocolate Muffins. Recipe adapted from Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden Cooking.

Here is one of the gorgeous roots. Isn't it stunning?
All grated. Looking amazing.
I added the zest of a whole orange to the mix. Just because I love the chocolate/orange combination.
Plonk mixture into muffin tin. And the best bit! - put a generous piece of good, dark chocolate in the middle.
Oh, okay. Two pieces, if you must! :)
Fresh out of the oven.
Let cool slightly. But not too long. I like the chocolate to be still warm and oozing out. A dollop of cream is justified, I think. After all, this is a muffin with (a lot of) healthy beetroot!
Yes! That's how I like it!
And now for a brisk walk, to feel all virtuous. And to make room for more muffins. :)


Sue Garrett said...

Beetroot with apples and onions as on my webpage here or just pickled in a salad or cheese sandwich.

Veggie Gnome said...

Oh yum! That does sound delicious. Have bookmarked the recipe. Thanks for that. :)