Sunday 23 January 2011

Tomato and Mozzarella Bruschetta

Yesterday's mozzarella, after it was cut.
Look at the lovely layers. That's how I like my mozzarella!
It's fantastic with fresh tomatoes. We are still not harvesting our own, but a kind gardening friend shared hers with us.

Grill some slices of bread. Brush with the cut side of a clove of garlic, sprinkle some olive oil over it. Top with thick slices of tomatoes and mozzarella. Garnish with basil.

A perfect lunch!


Mickle in NZ said...

What a beautiful lunch - I'm happily imagining all the textures and flavours. Yummo!

Amber said...

Thats great! Thanks for that, The only chees I knew how to make was Paneer. This looks so yummy.

Veggie Gnome said...

Mickle, yes, this is one of our favourite meals in summer!

Amber, have a go at making mozzarella. It's fun to make, very rewarding & yummy, too.