Word of warning - if you like a neat garden, do not go any further! You will see plenty of grass and weeds, amongst the veggies.
One bed with cabbages, cauliflowers, turnips, parsnips, lettuces and *miner's lettuce as living mulch. *I let that go to seed every year and it comes up with a vengeance with the first rain. It's a pretty ground cover, and easy to rip up, if you need to plant something. It's lovely in salads, too.

A carrot patch. With plenty of miner's lettuce as weed suppressant.

The Egyptian Walking Onions, surrounded by lush grass.

Time to harvest the Golden Nuggets. They were really prolific this year.

The leek bed. I usually just cut the leeks, instead of ripping them out of the soil with their roots. They re-grow nicely. Also, I always let a few go to seed, ensuring self-sown leeks.

The other half of the bed is taken up by Red Russian kale (self-sown), rapa, some other kale (too lazy to look up the variety name), and Komatsuna. All lovely greenery to ensure a healthy diet in Winter.

Here is a view of the whole area. In front you can see the leek and greenery bed. Behind that the Golden Nuggets. To the right you can see the tomato beds. They are still laden with green and nearly ripe tomatoes. The first frost a few days ago hasn't managed to kill them.

The garlic is looking good!

So are the broad beans.

And the grass in this veggie bed.