Thursday, 20 August 2009

Brezel day

Brezel fresh out of the oven.Last night's tea: Brezel with a layer of Nuage Blanc, a layer of locally smoked salmon, a few capers. Accompanied by a little garden salad - all leaves and herbs picked from the garden just before tea time.
Life is good!

Ps.: No leftovers.


  1. That looks really good, my mouth is watering. These look a little like pretzels to me or is it a regional quirk (Like fritz and luncheon sausage)
    Is there a recipe coming? I have a recipe for soft pretzels which although yeast based is quite quick, we generally scoff the batch in an afternoon.

  2. yummmm! my pear for breakfast obvioulsy insnt enough. Stomach objecting.

  3. Yum - I second the request for a recipe, smoked salmon is my favourite food.

  4. Pure Drool Material. Just as well I'm across the ditch.

    I "third" the recipe requesting. These look so much yummier than bagels which I love (proper boiled bagels that is).

    And you've tempted me with a loved combination of smoked salmon and capers. Looks to be a cold smoked salmon - am I right?

    care and huggles, Michelle and Zebbycat

  5. I shall post the recipe soon. Promise. They are made with yeast and pretty quick. I actually wanted to make bagels, but then was too hungry to muck about. Hence the Brezel. They are soft and easy to cut in half horizontally to spread with whatever you prefer.

    Pip, I'd like to compare your recipe with mine, if possible. We usually scoff ours on the same day, too. Let's face it 'old Brezel' are not that great anyway. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)
    Names vary - German version: Breze, Brezn, Brezel, Brezen...English version: pretzel, etc.

    So, watch this space for the recipe!


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