Monday, 19 April 2010

What's this?

Have a guess!


  1. It's a seedling that's just popped up with its cotyledons still held in the seed casing, just. A seedling of what I don't know, but it's quite lovely.

  2. A raspberry popsicle with a dob of cream?

  3. Are you going to put us out of our misery? ;)

  4. Ooops...sorry. Had forgotten about this 'puzzle'.

    Gavin was pretty close with his answer 'spinach'.

    This is Red Orache, or mountain spinach. Very pretty purple leaves. Can be eaten raw in salads or sandwiches or thrown into pasta, sauces, etc. :)

  5. I never would've gotten that one, LOL, but it's stored away in the memory files now. It's amazing the variety of veggies we can grow nowadays. :)


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