Every afternoon we reach a point where we need a little rest from the office. That's when we have a cup of coffee or cappuccino.
We have been experimenting to get the cappuccino the way we like it. Freshly ground beans are a must, so is good (local & organic) milk. But how best to cream/froth it? Well, we finally found a cappuccino creamer that does the job. It is a jug you can put on the stove to heat up the milk and it has a plunger with twin filters at the end. You slide the plunger into the jug and move it up and down until the milk reaches the consistency you like.
Lovely...I like flat white and just a smidgen (?) of flroth. To get that I have an old vegemite jar(so many uses for the old vegemite jars...another post maybe!) into which will fit the plunger from a small coffee plunger. I heat the milk in the jar in the micrwave and use the plunger to froth. It is remarkable effective but only does enough for 1 cup of espresso-style coffee. I would be interested to knoe what kind yours is and how many cups it can do.